Pain is a protective symptom. It tells us about something wrong with the body. But once we know what the problem is, presence of pain is annoying. At Medistar we know that when pain becomes chronic and is not relieved for long time, it has bad effect on the body and mind causing changes in the mental state and mood at times. Also, taking pain killers for a long time can cause adverse effects like kidney problems, heart problems, or acidity. So, this pain needs control to avoid its bad effects.

Advanced pain management has answer to many of such conditions. This is non-invasive that is non-surgical approach to reduce pain, medicine intake and fast resumption of normal life. For those who have secular pain and who have been on opioids for a prolonged duration of time, we really offer an opioid tapering clinic.

  • Nerve root blocks
  • Radio frequency ablation
  • Caudal, lumbar, thoracic, cervical epidural injection
  • Spinal cord stimulator implantation and monitoring
  • PRP therapy

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Pain Management Specialists